How Home Sellers Can Make the Most of Favorable Market Conditions

Maybe you’ve seen photos of buyers lining up outside a house, potentially gearing up for a fierce bidding war. Or maybe you’ve heard about homes getting snatched up as soon as they hit the market.

While it remains a sellers’ market in many areas, the reality is that you only have one chance to make a first impression during that critical “New Listing” period. If you’re thinking about selling your home, here are a few ways to make that first impression count:


Take Care of Necessary Improvements

Today’s buyers may have fewer choices, but they still have high expectations when it comes to a home’s condition. If your home is in need of updating, @properties has partnerships with pre-sale renovation companies that take the hassle out of the entire process, and in many cases defer payment until closing. Ask your @properties agent for the best recommendations based on your specific situation.

Make the Home Picture Perfect

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: your home’s online presence is key to gaining exposure and capturing the interest of home buyers. First showings happen on the internet, so be sure to ask your agent about how they can best showcase your home digitally with resources like professional photography and video as well as interactive floor plans and walkthroughs. The idea is to immerse potential buyers into the experience of your home before they walk through the door.

Price It Right

While it may be tempting to start with an overly ambitious asking price under the assumption the home will sell fast in this market, you could miss out entirely on the opportunity to maximize the sales price. In fact, overpriced homes are more likely to sell for less than their true market value.

With local market knowledge and cutting-edge technology like the Digital CMA, your @properties agent will help you identify the list price that will lead to the best outcome.

For more information about navigating today’s market conditions, watch the latest installment of @ The Market featuring insights and analysis from @properties co-founders Thad Wong and Mike Golden.  If you’re ready to make a move, contact an @properties agent to learn how we can help you achieve a more lucrative, time-efficient sale.

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